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CTG Brasil | Jupiá HPP

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Jupiá HPP
The Jupiá HPP was the first hydroelectric power plant with major use of its production in the state of São Paulo and Brazil.
Located in the Paraná River, between the cities of Andradina and Castilho (SP) and Três Lagoas (MS), the Jupiá Hydroelectric Power Plant has a sluice, under the responsibility of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), that enables navigation and integration of the waterways between the Paraná and Tietê rivers.
Ilha Solteira HPP
The Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant is located in the Paraná River between the cities of Ilha Solteira (SP) and Selvíria (MS).
Located in the Paraná River, between the citis of Ilha Solteira (state of São Paulo) and Selvíria (state of Mato Grosso do Sul), Ilha Solteira HPP, together with Jupiá HPP, made up the fourth largest hydroelectric power complex in Brazil.
Garibaldi HPP
The Garibaldi HPP is located between the cities of Abdon Batista and Cerro Negro, state of Santa Catarina, and has an installed capacity of 191.9 MW.
Since the beginning of its operation in 2013, Garibaldi HPP has stood out for the development of 26 environmental and social programs to preserve the environment and promote sustainability.
Capivara HPP
The largest plant in the Paranapanema river, Capivara HPP is located between the cities of Porecatu (PR) and Taciba (SP).
Capivara HPP has the largest water reservoir along the Paranapanema River, with more than 609 km² of area and 10.5 billion m³ dammed, which contributes to control the floods in the region.
Chavantes HPP
One of the most important plants of the Paranapanema river, Chavantes HPP is located on the São Paulo and Paraná states border, between the cities of Chavantes (SP) and Ribeirão Claro (PR).
In operation since 1970, Chavantes HPP is fundamental in the electric power supply to the National Interconnected System and for the balance of the Paranapanema river basin. The dam stores up to 8.8 billion m³ of water and regulates much of the average flow of the river, which contributes to control the floods.
Canoas II HPP
River, between the cities of Palmital (State of São Paulo) and Andirá (State of Paraná).
Such as Canoas I HPP, this plant has a strong commitment to the environment respect and preservation. The option to build a smaller hydropower plant permitted to reduce by 40% the flooding area of ​​fertile land.
Canoas I HPP
One of the newest hydropower plants in Paranapanema River, Canoas I HPP is responsible for part of the energy generated in the southeast region of the country.
Located between the cities of Cândido Mota, State of São Paulo, and Itambaracá, State of Paraná, Canoas I Hydropower Plant was inaugurated in 1999. Committed to the preservation of the environment, the plant develops programs to preserve the flora and fauna around the venture.
Taquaruçu HPP
The second largest in capacity in the Paranapanema River, Taquaruçu hydroelectric power plant is located between the cities of Sandovalina (SP) and Itaguajé (PR).
  Taquaruçu HPP has five Kaplan turbines that have a total power of 525 MW.