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CTG Brasil | Innovation

Funcionária CTG Brasil com Tubo de ensaio em pesquisa.


Funcionária CTG Brasil com tudo de ensaio em pesquisa.


Innovation drives our growth in 100% clean and renewable energy.


Find out how we invest and act in the development of projects and technologies that accelerate the energy transition, meeting the challenges of our customers, the electricity sector and society as a whole.





million reais

invested in innovation in 2022



with startups


employees engaged

in innovation initiatives

What is innovation for us?

For us, innovation is transforming the future. It is to seek solutions for the challenges of the electricity sector, inside and outside. It’s about creating collaboratively and inclusively. It means investing in projects and strategic partnerships that optimize our operations and support our growth strategy in clean and renewable energy.


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Um profissional da CTG Brasil realiza inspeção em um equipamento em uma das Usinas da CTG Brasil

Our fronts in innovation

We direct our investments to leverage our business and contribute to the energy transition. We invest both in our commercial efficiency and in the operational excellence and management of our hydropower assets. We develop solutions for optimizing wind and solar generation combined with battery storage, green hydrogen, in addition to the evaluation of offshore generation and the implementation of pumped storage, among others.

Imagem do programa de geradores fotovoltaicos bifaciais

Our fronts in innovation

We direct our investments to leverage our business and contribute to the energy transition. We invest both in our commercial efficiency and in the operational excellence and management of our hydropower assets. We develop solutions for optimizing wind and solar generation combined with battery storage, green hydrogen, in addition to the evaluation of offshore generation and the implementation of pumped storage, among others.

We are bold and connected

To be innovative we need to be diverse, agile and collaborative. We encourage the engagement of our professionals in the development of new ideas and in the search for innovation through “Open Innovation”. We also believe that this ecosystem becomes even more robust when we create connections with institutions, startups and universities, thus encouraging the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of experiences, in Brazil and worldwide.

Profissionais da CTG Brasil trabalham em Innovation Hub em São Paulo


Our PDI ANEEL projects promote a culture of innovation in our company and throughout the energy chain, with new products, improvements and business models that will add value to our brand and that will stimulate the generation of knowledge. We act to solve or mitigate, through research, the chronic problems of the electricity sector and to bring solutions that are capable of transforming it. Discover how we contribute to a more innovative and sustainable future.

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Profissionais da CTG Brasil atuam em um projeto de P&DI


Our PDI ANEEL projects promote a culture of innovation in our company and throughout the energy chain, with new products, improvements and business models that will add value to our brand and that will stimulate the generation of knowledge. We act to solve or mitigate, through research, the chronic problems of the electricity sector and to bring solutions that are capable of transforming it. Discover how we contribute to a more innovative and sustainable future.

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