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CTG Brasil | Capivara HPP

Imagem da Barragem da UHE Capivara

Capivara HPP

Imagem da Barragem da UHE Capivara

Capivara HPP

The largest plant in the Paranapanema river, Capivara HPP is located between the cities of Porecatu (PR) and Taciba (SP).

Capivara HPP has the largest water reservoir along the Paranapanema River, with more than 609 km² of area and 10.5 billion m³ dammed, which contributes to control the floods in the region.

Installed capacity: 643 MW
Start of operation: March 10, 1977
End of concession: April 21, 2032
CTG Brasil’s share: 63%

Energy generation in 2022: 2,283,595.24 MWh

The power plant generated, on average, enough energy to supply a city with approximately 782 thousand inhabitants.

Imagem da barragem da usina de Capivara

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