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CTG Brasil | Taquaruçu HPP

Imagem aérea vista ampla UHE Taquaruçu

Taquaruçu HPP

Imagem aérea vista ampla UHE Taquaruçu

Taquaruçu HPP

The second largest in capacity in the Paranapanema River, Taquaruçu hydroelectric power plant is located between the cities of Sandovalina (SP) and Itaguajé (PR).


Taquaruçu HPP has five Kaplan turbines that have a total power of 525 MW.

Installed capacity: 525.00 MW
Start of operation: February 11, 1992
End of concession: April 19, 2032
CTG Brasil’s share: 63%

Energy generation in 2022: 1,308,015.55 MWh

The power plant generated, on average, enough energy to supply a city with about 448 thousand inhabitants.

Imagem da frente da barragem da Usina UHE Taquaruçu

Did you know?

During the construction works of the Taquaruçu HPP, one of the major discoveries of Brazilian archeology was identified: The ruins of the Jesuit reduction of San Ignacio Miní, founded by Jesuits around 1610.

Imagem aérea vista posterior UHE Taquaruçu

Did you know?

During the construction works of the Taquaruçu HPP, one of the major discoveries of Brazilian archeology was identified: The ruins of the Jesuit reduction of San Ignacio Miní, founded by Jesuits around 1610.

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