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CTG Brasil | Environmental

 Imagem de um tucano no Centro de Conservação de Fauna Silvestre de Ilha Solteira, que é coordenado pela CTG Brasil


 Imagem de um tucano no Centro de Conservação de Fauna Silvestre de Ilha Solteira, que é coordenado pela CTG Brasil


Environment: our commitment to a sustainable future

Energy is only truly clean when we are committed to responsibly managing the environmental impacts caused by our operations. In addition to observing the applicable environmental laws in the country, we seek to make a positive contribution to the main global challenges for the environment: combating changes and energy transition, managing water resources and preserving biodiversity.

Climate change and energy transition

Clean energy is key to combating climate change. All the energy we generate comes from clean and renewable sources and our goal is to continue growing to contribute more and more to the Brazilian electricity matrix. We invest in research and innovation to develop new sources and technologies, helping to drive a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, we offset 100% of direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations and have a goal of becoming carbon negative by 2050.

 Imagem área de um parque eólico

Water resources management

Water is our main source of energy. For this reason, taking care of this resource is fundamental to our business. Our monitoring, control, management and protection programs for the edges of our reservoirs ensure that our water can be used for public supply after conventional treatment, ensure the protection of aquatic communities, in addition to being used for recreation, irrigation and creation of species for food.

 Imagem área da Usina de Jupiá.

Water resources management

Water is our main source of energy. For this reason, taking care of this resource is fundamental to our business. Our monitoring, control, management and protection programs for the edges of our reservoirs ensure that our water can be used for public supply after conventional treatment, ensure the protection of aquatic communities, in addition to being used for recreation, irrigation and creation of species for food.

Preservation of biodiversity

Anchored in the value “we prioritize life”, the preservation of biodiversity assumes a central role in our sustainability strategy. Therefore, we develop and operate in forest restoration projects to recover degraded areas, in the repopulation of fish through the production and release of fingerlings of regional native species, in the monitoring of wild fauna and in encouraging and promoting the increase of forest cover in rural properties inserted in the hydrographic basins where we operate and develop research and development projects to reach our objectives in this area.

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 Imagem de profissionais fazendo o manejo de peixes