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CTG Brasil | Santo Antônio do Jari HPP

Imagem da UHE Santo Antonio do Jari vista ampla aérea

Santo Antônio do Jari HPP

Imagem da UHE Santo Antonio do Jari vista ampla aérea

Santo Antônio do Jari HPP

Located on the border between the states of Pará and Amapá, Santo Antônio do Jari plant was built to be a milestone of sustainability.


Santo Antonio do Jari HPP takes advantage of the natural fall of the Jari River, where waterfalls are about 10 m high. The plant was the first hydroelectric power plant in the country to be built from the “platform-plant” concept, inspired by oil platforms, where there is no significant environmental impact around the venture, after the construction is completed.

Installed capacity: 392.95 MW
Start of operation: September 17, 2014
End of concession: October 28, 2045
CTG Brasil’s share: 50%

Energy generation in 2022: 2,074,587.60 MWh

On average, this power station generated enough energy to supply a town with a population of more than 710 thousand inhabitants.

Imagem da lateral da Usina UHE Santo Antônio Jari.

Did you know?

Santo Antônio do Jari HPP has concrete dam and spillway, with a maximum height of 15 meters (one of the largest in the world), a total length of 2,800 meters, and Kaplan turbines with a production capacity of 392.95 MW. It is a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, that is, it works through a technology that makes it possible to produce energy through a low volume of accumulated water.

Imagem da UHE Santo Antonio do Jari vista lateral

Did you know?

Santo Antônio do Jari HPP has concrete dam and spillway, with a maximum height of 15 meters (one of the largest in the world), a total length of 2,800 meters, and Kaplan turbines with a production capacity of 392.95 MW. It is a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, that is, it works through a technology that makes it possible to produce energy through a low volume of accumulated water.

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