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CTG Brasil | Jurumirim HPP

Imagem da UHE Jurumirim vista aérea ampla

Jurumirim HPP

Imagem da UHE Jurumirim vista aérea ampla

Jurumirim HPP

The Jurumirim HPP is located between the cities of Cerqueira César and Piraju, in the state of São Paulo.

With a reservoir of seven billion m³ of water and over 470 km² of flooded area, the Jurumirim hydroelectric power plant’s dam is key for the use of the middle region of Paranapanema river.

Installed capacity: 100.96 MW
Start of operation: September 21, 1962
End of concession: April 17, 2032
CTG Brasil’s share: 63%

Energy generation in 2022: 212,552.18 MWh

On average, the plant generated enough energy to supply a city with about 73 thousand inhabitants.


Imagem frontal da barragem da Usina de Jurumirim.

Did you know?

Built in 1956 and inaugurated in 1962, the Jurumirim HPP bathes ten cities in the south-central region of the state of São Paulo and has several environmental programs, such as fish release and forest restoration.

Imagem vista frontal da UHE Jurumirim

Did you know?

Built in 1956 and inaugurated in 1962, the Jurumirim HPP bathes ten cities in the south-central region of the state of São Paulo and has several environmental programs, such as fish release and forest restoration.

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