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CTG Brasil | Guri Project offers vacancies for musical initiation courses

 Imagem de um profissional da CTG Brasil em uma das Usinas

Guri Project offers vacancies for musical initiation courses

 Imagem de um profissional da CTG Brasil em uma das Usinas

Guri Project offers vacancies for musical initiation courses


Projeto Guri, a music education and socio-cultural inclusion program of the Secretariat of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry of the Government of the State of São Paulo, offers courses in music initiation, choir, strings, brass and percussion in the centers of Avaré, Castilho, Fartura, Itaí, Ilha Solteira, Piraju, Salto Grande, Rosana and Sandovalina.

With the support of CTG Brasil, one of the leaders in clean energy generation in the country, the Guri Project aims to promote musical education and socio-cultural inclusion free of charge.

Registration takes place all year round. But this is the moment when Guri invites the community to get to know the pole better, discover different instruments and join a program that offers several benefits.

“In the communities where we are present, it is our commitment to participate positively in people’s lives. And with Projeto Guri, a relevant music education project run by CTG Brasil, I believe we have achieved this purpose. For us, supporting initiatives like this is a way to ensure that actions like this contribute to the cultural formation of children and young people in the regions where we operate”, says Ronan Max Prochnow, Sustainability Manager at CTG Brasil.

The courses are aimed at children and young people aged 6 to 18. To participate, it is not necessary to have previous knowledge in music or musical instrument. Those interested should contact the Center directly and the process is carried out in person.

Guri is, above all, a space for welcoming and cultural development for children and young people. And, usually, children are enchanted by different instruments whenever they are offered. “Having the partnership of CTG Brasil is an honor for us”, says Jean Paulo Casimiro, Guri’s pedagogical manager.