Socioenvironment and governance actions for a increasingly sustenaible and strategic performance.
BRL 16 million was invested in environmental management by
CTG Brasil in 2021.
14.600 hectares of protected habitats
In 2021, the company planted and managed 1863 hectares in the process of restoration.
3.6 million Fish released per year.
100% of direct CO2, emissions neutralized in 2020, and Gold seal of the GHG Protocol. Program in the emissions inventory.
In 2021 CTG Brasil became the first company in the Brazilian electricity sector to certify 100% of its operations in the 14001 standards (environment).
+BRL 11.9 million in social projects in 2021.
+55 thousand people benefited in 91 municipalities.
24 projects supported.
10 volunteer actions, helping more than 500 people.
143 engaged volunteers.
Improvement of the governance structure and alignment with best market practices CTG Brasil
Two independent advisors.
Rio Paraná Energia: registration as a publidy-held company with the CVM, category “B’ since March 2021.