ESG Strategy

What does ESG mean to CTG Brasil?

ESG stands, to our company, for innovation and transformation. In 2021, we carried out an internal study to assess the level of maturity in dealing with environmental, social and corporate governance issues.

Through it, we identified seven priority themes with indicators and commitments to advance in management maturity. We have developed a strategy aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proposed by the United Nations, which will help us to reach a new level in the management of sustainability aspects.

By 2030, we want the company to have a leading role on this front, contributing to combating the impacts of climate change and towards a low-carbon economy.

Strategic themes ESG CTG Brasil

Desenho de um aerogerador.

Climate changes and
Energy Transition

Desenho do mar.

Impacts on
Water resources

Desenho de duas folhas acima de uma mão.

Preservation of

Desenho de um grupo de pessoas.

Safe environment,
Healthy and Diverse

Desenho de uma casa.

Impact and
Local Development

Desenho de uma engrenagem entre duas mãos.


Desenho de um raio em volta do simbolo de ciclo.

Chain of
Sustainable Value

Let’s build together a society with more integrity, diversity and socio-environmental responsibility?

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